I have decided that I would like to stay away from anything super risque, being associated with the Church of the Bretheren. So with a little discussion from a peer, perhaps, a 1930's, 40's, or 50's pinup poster type idea. Of course it would still be photography based, but many of these women were still conservatively dress but still had a lot of appeal and beauty without diminishing their image.
Perhaps I could use this style to comment on various women's social issues/stereotypes that could empower woman without being too blunt. I am going to really be relying on the input from the ladies in the class because it is you this art mostly affects most.
some that I like:
Some of the famous pinup artists that I like in particular that would be a good starting point for my approach would be Pearl Frush and Al Buell
I like that in these pinups these women still seem confident and mysterious without looking like total sluts, but today's standards. When I look at the expressions they have I really get a since of some kind of power that they have, whether that is their confidence or not. Am I making sense here or am I talking in the wind?
Could you talk about where your interest in this subject matter stems from? Not just the pin-ups but the idea of feminist art in general.