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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Warming Up..

So I have been able to find an abundant source of broken down computer scraps courtesy of Armodyne Computer Solutions. Most of my time has been spent breaking down the parts and engineering unique ways to photograph them.

However. *Speed Bump*
The batteries in my Canon SLR are dead and should be done charging this afternoon. In the mean time I was stuck with the 5.0 mgpx camera on my droid. Not my idea of good start. But it is a start.

More posts to follow :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Attack of the Super Foods

Thoughts for the Semester:
Last semester I focused on developing my previous style with the idea of genetics and cloning in mind. This semester I plan on expanding upon this idea of super foods and the impact they could and do have on the population of the world.

The style will be less like my other style and be more mixed media and photography based. Possibly even some kind of installation.
